Believe it or not, you might have been exposed to some indoor rowing machine myths without even noticing that. Following are eleven biggest myths out there. Let’s see if you are also one of the myth-believers. (Well, to be honest, I myself was one of them when I was new to rowing world. But it’s never too late to discover the beauty and truth of rowing.)

Myth 1: Indoor rowing machine takes up a lot of space.

This statement is not 100% true. After assembly, some rowing machines, such as concept 2, do take up a lot of space. But there is no need to worry about storing them. Topiom rowing machine placed upright against a white curtain in a living room Some rowing machines, such as Topiom, can stand vertically after workout. When in upright position, they just take up the space of a chair. There are also rowers that feature foldable frames. After finishing exercise, you can easily fold them. I have written an article reviewing compact rowing machines on the market. Check it out.

Myth 2: Indoor rowing machines are noisy.

Well, if you mean air rowing machines, yes… they are quite noisy because users need to spin the flywheel. But there are many quiet rowing machines out there. If you wanna enjoy quiet workout, hydraulic, magnetic and water resistance rowing machines are all good picks for you. hydrow magnetic rowing machine Magnetic rowing machines are the silentest among all rowing machine resistance types because of its resistance mechanism. Magnetic rowing machines use a magnetic brake system to create resistance. As a metal flywheel spins, a magnet can be moved closer or farther away to create more or less resistance. A man wearing black clothes row with a rowing machine Water rowing machines, on the other hand, do have some sounds because users need to spin the blades to move the mass of water in the water tank. Unlike the noise of air rowing machines, wooshing sound of water is actually quite relaxing and refreshing. Check the article of full breakdown of indoor rowing machine resistance types to get to know more characteristics of each resistance. And if you are noise-conscious, check the review of the quiet rowing machines before buying.

Myth 3: You need to pay a lot to buy a rowing machine.

There are certainly some expensive rowing machines on the market. For example, Hydrow costs about $2300, and Concept 2 costs about $900. However, I guess you get what you pay. Concept 2 has the most sophisticated monitor on the market. With Hydrow, you can enjoy Live Outdoor Reality™ experience consisting of live and on-demand rowing workouts delivered by world-renowned athletes on the water. If you buy Topiom, you will get a life-long rowing workout and numerous guidance to help you on your rowing journey. maxkare water rowing machine But, you can also start your rowing journey at the cost of around $500. Maxkare water rowing machine, Sunny Health & Fitness Obsidian Surge 500 water rowing machine might be good picks for you. Prefer wallet-friendly rowing machines? Have a look at the writing of best rowing machines around $500.

Myth 4: Rowing machines are not aging-friendly.

This statement is far from true. The biggest selling point of rowing machines is generally low-impact and knee-friendly. a man with white hair rows with a water rowing machine Studies have also shown that using a rowing machine as an older person is good for building physical stamina, stimulating bone growth and building bone mineral density. And there exist some rowers designed especially suitable for senior people as they feature higher seat or lumber seat in order to make rowing as comfortable as possible. Read the article to get to know which indoor rowers are most aging-friendly.

Myth 5: Rowing is boring.

I guess that’s the second biggest reason why rowing machine is not that popular. Rowing exercise seems just swing your body back and forth, on and on and on.. I cannot say no to that. It’s exactly how rowing workout works. But considering that rowing machine engages up to 86% muscles and is low-impact, let’s not say no to rowing machine that fast because.. Because there are in fact many ways to upgrade rowing experience. For example, you can buy a phone holder which can easily spice up your rowing experience as you can view your favorite entertainment or workout apps from your phone. Some advanced monitors feature journey mode or virtual rowing function that can enable you to row through the world’s most scenic destinations. Check the article of rowing machines with advanced monitor to learn more. a woman rows indoor with a VR device And you can also try VR rowing by using Holodia. The article of how to upgrade rowing experience will definitely blow your mind. Check it out.

Myth 6: You can’t lose weight on a rowing machine.

That’s the biggest myth of indoor rowing machines. green leaves and a blue plate with white blocks in the plate Rowing machines have 15 benefits, among which is that you definitely can drop weight on a rowing machine. When rowing, you exercise virtually every muscle on every stroke, so that you can burn as much as 800 calories per hour or more. A kind notice: if you have big belly and wanna lose weight on a rowing machine, big belly might get in the way of rowing exercise. In this case, rowing 2/3 stroke might be a good strategy. This video will give you a clear idea of how to row with big belly. And, here is a good news. Rowing you belly fat off and making your abs look healthier is not only a fantasy. Read How to Row Belly Fat OFF and Reduce Your Health Risk? to learn more. Here is an all-in-one guide of how to lose weight faster on a rowing machine.

Myth 7: Indoor rowing machines can’t help you tone muscles.

Indoor rowing machine works up to 86% of muscles. With a healthy diet, weight loss workout and muscle toning training programs, you certainly can have your muscle toned on rowing machine. a man wearing black clothes has his ten muscles engaged in indoor rowing workout The article of 5 muscle toning facts might be what you need.

Myth 8: I can’t do rowing exercise because I have injuries.

low impact joint friendly benefits of rowing machine Well, if you believe that, you might just miss a perfect chance to help you recover and heal faster. When asked the reason for starting rowing, many beginners say their doctors suggest them using rowing machine as a tool for rehab. Yes, rowing machine is truly a good way to recover from injuries. Here is a video by dark horse rowing guiding how to use rowing machines for rehab.

Myth 9: Rowing technique is difficult to learn.

One of the reasons why rowing machines are not as popular as treadmills is that rowing form is something that you need to take time to learn and practice. But, taking time doesn’t mean it’s hard to learn. Plus, we can help you make the learning process much easier. What we have here is a well-illustrated article of indoor rowing technique.

Myth 10: Resistance on a water rowing machine depends on the water level.

a man rowing with a water rowing machine while smiling at a women rowing with another water rowing machine I guess this is the most common myth of water rowing machines. Even rowing machine brands and rowing machine die-hards got it wrong. One of FAQs on Amazon is does changing water level change the resistance? And the given answer is yes. (Whaaat?) No, for some traditional water rowing machines, such as Waterrower and Topiom, the answer is not correct. Though it might seems anti-common sense, water resistance is variable and depends on rowers’ rowing intensity. On water rowing machines, rowers play a fair game and get what they row. The harder you row, the more resistance you get on a rowing machine.

Myth 11: Pivoting footrests are such a good design and suitable for everyone.

A person sits on a rowing machine with toes pointing downwards Recently, a growing number of rowing machines feature pivoting footrests. Such design has both good and bad aspects. Pivoting footrests are not beginner-friendly. If you are new to rowing, and in the process of learning technique, fixed footrests will encourage good rowing form as they spare you from the difficulty of finding the correct foot angle yourself. Read the article of rowing machine specific features to learn more. On the other hand, pivoting footrests are helpful for those who experience flexibility issues because they can relieve some of the impact on the ankles. But, one thing that you need to take note of is that some rowing machines are flawed-designed and the pivoting angle isn’t correctly researched and set. Therefore, it results in bad rowing form. Read the article of buyer beware to avoid flawed designed rowing machines.